Writing your PhD during a global pandemic?

Rijak Grover
1 min readMay 8, 2020

No classmates or colleagues to meet for coffee, procrastination takes on new forms. Often we are alone at our desks, conjuring up reasons not to begin.

Virtually, I am with you. Encouraging you to just start.

The best advice I ever received was to not worry about the mess. If the mess bothers you, dedicate a drawer or box to collect all the clutter — every item that you think needs to be sorted — and close the drawer, or place the box out of sight for now.

Even if items are neatly stored out of sight, I sometimes catch my mind wondering about snacks I want. Or, I catch a glimpse of my yoga mat…

That burning desire to organise? Or to water all the plants? Wash all the dishes? Probably just your mind trying to find other things to do.

Leave the plants un-watered.

Maybe I need to read another article?

Resist the inner delayer.

I sit my butt down in the chair (an achievement in and of itself) and reassure myself: “you’ll get better from the doing of it.”

Don’t wait to start until you’re ready. Just start.



Rijak Grover

PhD student based in Cambridge, working on GBV, employment, empowerment for women in Benin, West Africa.